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East Nipissing Minor Hockey Association

Fair Play & Codes of Conduct

What is Fair Play?

There are four main participant groups involved in minor hockey games: the players, the coaches, the officials, and the parents/spectators. How these four groups interact determines how positive, or how negative an event becomes. A Fair Play program in any hockey association promotes SAFETY and RESPECT and a positive environment for all participants.

Fair Play Principles

  • Respect the Rules
    • Respect the Opponents
      • Respect the Officials and Their Decisions
        • Have Everyone Participate
        • Maintain Your Self-Control at all Times

        To foster this philosophy, the following will be considered the Codes of Conduct for all participants in ENMHA this year. Each player, parent and coach will be required to sign their respective agreement before participating in the league this year. Failure to sign the agreement will automatically disqualify the individual from participating this season.


Ice Time and Fair Play?

Probably the most contentious issue that fair play raises in Minor Hockey is the question of the amount of ice time a player receives or when that player receives their ice time.

Hockey Canada has adopted a fair play policy governing the allocation of ice time for all levels of play. .

All coaches, players and parents are expected to support this policy.


Player Code of Conduct

As a player in the East Nipissing Minor Hockey Association I agree to adopt the following Code of Conduct.

Respect and adhere to all ideals, policies and rules determined by the NOHA, NDHL and the East Nipissing Minor Hockey Association, and your team.
Respect the rules of the game, opponents, officials and their decisions.
>Maintain self-control at all times.
Attend as many games and practices as reasonably possible. Be present before games and practices in a timely manner. Notify the coach ahead of time if you will be absent.
Respect the facilities, either home or away, in which you are privileged to play.
Exhibit a high degree of sportsmanship, teamwork and positive attitude at all times when representing your team and the league.
Refrain from using foul language towards teammates, coaches, officials or opponents.
Show respect for the decisions, judgment and authority of the officials and timekeepers.
Show respect for the feelings and abilities of the players on the other team.
Accept the capabilities of other players.
Ensure that your equipment is complete, safe and in good condition.
Accept defeat graciously.
Love the game above the prize.

Parent Code of Conduct

As a parent of a child particpating in the East Nipissing Minor Hockey Association I agree to adopt the following Code of Conduct.

Respect the rules of the game, opponents, officials and their decisions.
Maintain self-control at all times.
Encourage my child to attend as many games and practices as reasonably possible in a timely manner and to notify the coach ahead of time if they will be absent.
Respect the facilities, either home or away, in which my child is privileged to play.
Exhibit a high degree of sportsmanship, teamwork and positive attitude at all times when representing my child and our Association.
Refrain from using foul language towards other parents, coaches, officials or opponents.
Show respect for the decisions, judgment and authority of the officials and timekeepers.
Show respect for the feelings and abilities of my child, my child's teammates and the players on the other team.
Accept the capabilities of my child and other players.
Ensure that my child's equipment is complete, safe and in good condition.
Refrain from yelling at or threatening referees, opposing players or coaches before, during, or after games or practices.
Refrain from demonstrations of frustration or anger after a game loss.
scored or a game won that would embarrass or demean the opposing team.
Refrain from physical abuse of any other person.
Refrain from approaching the bench during a game situation unless summoned by a coach.
Avoid confusing my child by coaching from the stands.
Support my child with positive encouragement.
Refrain from expressing my opinion of the coaches or players in front of my own child.
Accept defeat graciously.

Coach Code of Conduct

As a coach particpating in the East Nipissing  Minor Hockey Association I agree to adopt the following Code of Conduct. I fully understand that breaching this Code could result in a penalty as severe as termination of my coaching duties for the remainder of the season.


Trainer Code of Conduct

As a trainer particpating in the East Nipissing  Minor Hockey Association I agree to adopt the following Code of Conduct. I fully understand that breaching this Code could result in a suspension of duties for the reaminder of the season.


Volunteer Code of Conduct

As a volunteer particpating in the East Nipissing  Minor Hockey Association I agree to adopt the following Code of Conduct. I fully understand that breaching this Code could result in a suspension of duties for the reaminder of the season.


Official Code of Conduct

As an offical particpating in the Stephenville Minor Hockey Association I agree to adopt the following Code of Conduct. I fully understand that breaching this Code could result in a suspension of duties for the reaminder of the season.


The basic premise of this program that no other objective of the sport of hockey supersedes the need to protect the safety of the participants, and to protect them from injury. The following pledge is aimed at promoting fair play in the sport of hockey, and will be printed on forms to be signed by each player and his/her parent/guardian each season prior to participation.

"I, and my participating child, hereby agree to abide by the rules, regulations and decisions, as set forth by the East Nipissing Minor Hockey Association and NOHA which absolutely prohibit the extremely dangerous act of "Checking From Behind." I, and my participating child, understand that suspensions may be imposed for violation of these rules."

A crest, in the colors, shape, and design of a roadside stop sign, is to be affixed to the back of each game jersey worn by East Nipissing Minor Hockey players in all divisions. The initials stand for Safety Towards Other Players, and the presence of the logo is intended as a reminder to all players of the importance of fair play toward others.


2025/26 Rep Coaches Announced!


Goalie Skills is Back!! Every Tuesday at 6pm, but not during the holidays


Bonfield and District Lions Club Donates!


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