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East Nipissing Minor Hockey Association
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Parent FAQs

Hockey for Beginners (U7) & U7 Program

Q: What is the difference between Hockey for Beginner's (HFB) and the U7 Program?
A: The main difference between the two programs is that the HFB program is more centered on learning the fundamental basics of hockey.  This would include basic skating, learning how to fall on the ice and get back up, and basic stickhandling.  There are no games for HFB.  It is simply to learn the foundation of hockey for later years.

The U7 program is structured around more typical practices as well as cross-ice games throughout the season. 

For more detailed information about the U7 Timbits Program, please visit NOHA and Hockey Canada for further information .

Q: Should I put my child in HFB or U7?
A: Typically, if your child can skate independantly then we would recommend going to the U7 program.  In the event that U7 is too challenging for your child, then there is always the option of moving them back down to the HFB program.   If you have any concerns about your child's hockey development, then please discuss with coach to help better decide which program is better for your child.

Q: What equipment does my child need to have in Hockey for Beginners?
A: Your child needs full hockey gear to participate.  This includes shin pads, hockey pants, chest protector, elbow pads, gloves, neck protector, helmet, skates, and a stick.  You can typically purchase the majority of this equipment as a set at local retailers in the Fall.

Q: Will my child receive a jersey?
A: Each year the program is graciously sponsored by Tim Hortons (Timbits Hockey) which does include a jersey provided for free.  This may vary from year to year, due to various factors, so please ensure that you have a backup jersey ready. 

Q. How long does the HFB program run for?  What days and time do they practice?
A: Hockey for Beginners typically starts in October and runs through to the end of March.  Practices are held on Saturdays and/or Sundays with a usual start time of 8 or 9 AM.

Q: Does a parent need to go one the ice with my child?
A: A parent doesn't need to be on the ice with their child, but they're more then welcome to if they want.  Due to insurance and liability concerns, any parent that wishes to be on the ice must complete a Vulnerable Sector Check as well as a couple required Hockey Canada courses.  If you would like more details, please reach out to the registrar.


Q: What is the difference between U9 Tier 1 and U9 Tier 2?
A: Tier 1 is more competitive hockey (like 'Rep' hockey) and Tier 2 is more like 'House hockey'. For more detailed information about the U9 Player Pathways, please visit the 
NOHA site.

General FAQ's

Q: Where do I find my child's practice and game schedule?
A: There a few ways to find the schedules:
    a) By visiting the Master Schedule on the website.  You can refine your search by team and time frame.
    b) By selecting 'Schedules' on the website's header menu, then select the division and then the desired team. 
    c) By setting up your mobile device to integrate the Master Schedule into your personal calendar.  Instructions on how to set that up can be found Here
    d) Your child's team may opt for a 3rd party application such as TeamSnap. 

Q: How do I stay up to date with the latest news and information?
A: ENMHA typically use email, our Facebook page (ENMHA Go Vipers Go), and our website to keep our parents current.  Please follow our Facebook page and check your Junk mail folder often in case our emails end up there (which they have).  

Q: I'm new to hockey - where do I start?
A: First off, welcome to hockey!  Hockey Canada, Ontario Hockey Federation, NOHA, and ENMHA are here to support you and your child to the play the best game ever (we might be a bit biased on that :D ).   We strive to ensure that ENMHA explempifies Hockey Canada's philopshy on the game of Hockey.  If you're looking for resources on everything about hockey, here are a few links below to get you started:

Have a question that isn't listed here?  No problem!  Please feel free to reach out to us through Facebook Messenger 'ENMHA - Go Vipers Go' or visit our Contact Us page for further contact details.

2025/26 Rep Coaches Announced!


Goalie Skills is Back!! Every Tuesday at 6pm, but not during the holidays


Bonfield and District Lions Club Donates!


ENMHA Facebook Page
