The basic premise of this program that no other objective of the sport of hockey supersedes the need to protect the safety of the participants, and to protect them from injury. The following pledge is aimed at promoting fair play in the sport of hockey, and will be printed on forms to be signed by each player and his/her parent/guardian each season prior to participation.
"I, and my participating child, hereby agree to abide by the rules, regulations and decisions, as set forth by the East Nipissing Minor Hockey Association and NOHA which absolutely prohibit the extremely dangerous act of "Checking From Behind." I, and my participating child, understand that suspensions may be imposed for violation of these rules."
A crest, in the colors, shape, and design of a roadside stop sign, is to be affixed to the back of each game jersey worn by East Nipissing Minor Hockey players in all divisions. The initials stand for Safety Towards Other Players, and the presence of the logo is intended as a reminder to all players of the importance of fair play toward others.